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My Buddy Story

Writer: Sandra LarsonSandra Larson

My mind was a million miles away considering the changes coming to me when I saw a white streak run in front of my car. I slammed on my brakes just in time before hitting a small white dog. I thought to myself who in the world would let their dog out in this busy traffic? I quickly parked my car on the side of the road and started on foot to follow him. I got close enough to see he was skinny, matted, and looked neglected. He was lost, or his people did not care for him. Either way, he was in trouble and needed help.

Using my softest, most gentle voice, I called to this frightened, lonely little being, "Buddy, it's alright, I'm here to help you." Amazingly, after following him for a couple of blocks, he allowed me to walk up to him. A woman in the neighborhood loaned me a leash. Without resistance, Buddy, as I'd come to call him, allowed me to lift him up and put him in my car. Wanting to do the right thing, but with a feeling of sadness, I brought him to my friends at the local animal shelter.

Within an hour of leaving him there, I received a phone call. The shelter staff person told me Buddy seemed afraid of the other big dogs. They asked if I would mind letting him stay with me until his people came for him. My heart jumped inside my chest realizing I could have him in my home!

My work allowed me to have a flexible schedule, so I found plenty of time to care for him. I bathed him and gently worked to brush and clip his matted fur. I brought him to the vet and began an active campaign to find his people. I created fliers and posted them around town. We walked door-to-door in the neighborhood where I'd found him and another area where I guessed where his home might be. But no one claimed him. Didn't anyone even miss this cuddly guy?

Every day I fell more in love with this little one. After a month of looking for his people, my friends at the shelter told me I could be Buddy's permanent caretaker and best friend. It was a fulfilling and delightful day.

Looking back, I realize Buddy came to me at just the right time. I found him on the streets in April, was divorced in May and in September of that year, our beloved father passed away. It was a difficult time, but somehow by caring for Buddy, I was caring for myself.

Since then, Buddy has become my constant companion and is always near me. He helps with my Intuitive Life Coaching and Animal Communication work. Buddy sits on my lap when I'm on a call or my client's lap during sessions. I love him from head to toe including his cute under-bite, and the funny way he sticks out his tongue. He's my boy, and I'm blessed to have him in my life. When I think about the love and the closeness we share I often wonder who rescued who? And was this rescue luck, love or a soul pre-plan. I don’t know for sure, I just know that he has blessed my with his kindness, caring and wisdom! And I know I am a better person because of his love.*

Sweetest Blessings,


*Buddy made his transition on November 5, 2018. Please look for future stories about the impact he has had in my life!


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