I’d like to share a special story with you about the holiday traditions of my dear friends. Each month, I hold an Intuitive Translator Call for people to call in to ask five questions about their animal companions. On a recent call, I was asked to speak with a sweet dog named Nola. Little Nola agreed we could talk with her only if she could talk about Christmas. She loves Christmas!

There is more you should know about Nola. My friends live on a dead-end country road where several dogs have been sadly abandoned by their owners. Can you even imagine? It's heartbreaking. When they found Nala, they told me that she was afraid to get into their car. For a long time after her rescue, she was terrified to get into any vehicle due to the trauma of abandonment she experienced. Her paws were also burned and raw from the hot blacktop, because she chased the speeding car that was leaving her behind. So very sad.
It was a hot 104-degree Tennessee day, but Nala was committed to chasing after her owners who abandoned her on the hot asphalt. She ran and ran, but couldn’t catch up to them. This is how she burned her paws. Nala wandered on the road all day, and by nightfall she made her way back to the place where she was abandoned.
We asked her what her Christmases were like in her previous family. She told us she was ignored and left in the background without any attention or presents. But in her new loving home, all of the family dogs get to open up their presents at the same time to find special treats and toys. It makes her so very happy!
If including your animal companions in your holiday celebrations is a new idea for you, maybe this is the year you begin your new animal holiday traditions. The take away from this story; our animal companions watch everything we do and say, and their main purpose in this life is to bring us unconditional love. They just want to be part of the family!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season with their families and beloved animal companions. And on a personal note, I am so very grateful for the years of support you have all given me. Your continued faith in me allows me to do the work that feeds my soul and fills my heart. Thank you so very much!
Happy Holidays and Many Blessings,